Barry Entner is an unparalleled glass artist who began working in his own studio in rural Massachusetts since 1981. Now Barry resides and works in upstate New York. Barry earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology form Tulane University, where he studied art with glass sculpture Gene Koss. After graduation Barry apprenticed with glass artist David Goldhagen. He recieved his masters degree in glass after studying at Penland School of Crafts and Massachusetts College of Art. While at Penland, he learned masterful techniques from renowned glass artist Stephen Dee Edwards. He has exhibited at the International Art Exposition of Glass, Frankfurt, Germany; and the International Exhibition of Glass, Kanazawa, Japan. He also has work in numerous public and private collections, including those of King Hassan II of Morocco and the Hale Koa Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii. His works are internationally sought after by galleries and museums. Barry Entner creates massive, heart-stopping handblown glass sculptures, vessels and bowls. His Flora Series Wall Arrangement works of large wall mounted forms rendered in translucent colored glass, resemble the leaves of a Staghorn fern. These works act as luminous paintings sprung from the flat restraints of canvas. In another stunning series Rites of Summer, Berry brings three large elongated vibrantly colored forms together attached only by thin colored wire. The dimensional x form seams to be caught in a moment of exploding energy. Barry????s powerful works engage any space, light or viewer that they come in contact with.